Innovation happens at the intersections of different disciplines and domains.
We partnered with a seasoned financial analyst, and by combining our experiences, we came up with a tool that can help corporate innovators — in fact, all innovators — can use to better answer the following questions.
1 - How do we communicate the value of an idea as it makes its way through the early-stage innovation lifecycle?
2 - How do we know how much we can justify spending on an experiment, based on the risk profile and projected return of the idea?
3 - How can we determine the ROI or IRR for such ideas?
This tool will fundamentally help you to:
- Avoid over-investing in the wrong idea
- Avoid under-investing in the right idea
It helps you align innovation teams and finance teams, and support getting and keeping buy-in to run experiments and help companies adapt to the fast-changing environment they find themselves in.
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