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Get twice done in half the time.
The ultimate time management workshop for teams.
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Steve Glaveski
Author of Time Rich
Productivity writer for Harvard Business Review
Founder of Collective Campus
Just  10 Reasons Why You're Busy...
But NOT Productive
  • Lack of Prioritization: Focusing on low-value tasks instead of important ones.
  • Constant Task Switching: Switching between tasks reduces efficiency and focus.
  • Excessive Meetings: Spending too much time in unnecessary meetings.
  • Distractions: Allowing frequent interruptions from notifications and emails.
  • Confusing Motion with Progress: Sure, you're busy - but busy with what?
  • Perfectionism: Spending too much time perfecting minor details.
  • Lack of Clear Goals: Working without a clear direction or objective.
  • Procrastination: Delaying important tasks in favor of easier ones.
  • Inefficient Processes: Following outdated or inefficient workflows.
  • Over-commitment: Taking on too many tasks or projects at once.
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Meet Steve

I'm the author of the book Time Rich, a frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review on all things productivity, host of the 1M+ download Future Squared podcast, and founder of several companies including 2018 Australian Financial Review Fast Starter, Collective Campus.

I've worked for and in organizations of all shapes and sizes - startups, large consulting firms, listed banks, Government departments and agencies, and not-for profits - and I understand the culture and nuances of each when it comes to how they get stuff done, and more importantly, how they don't.

Ask Steve a Question
What's the cost of an hour wasted?
The average Australian makes $98,000 a year.

That's about $50 an hour assuming a 38-hour work week.

And while people are confessing to wasting several hours a week in studies, the reality is far worse.

Whatever you think of Elon Musk, his termination of 80% of Twitter's workforce without significant or prolonged disruption to the platform spoke volumes about just how much time people can waste at work.

Furthermore, Bartleby's Law says that for 80% of people, 80% of meetings are a waste of time.

When you account for pointless Zoom calls and meetings, and time spent on shallow level "busy work" and distracted by the persistent ding of our smartphones, the average employee is wasting half their time at work - that's 19 hours or $950 a week.

And the number only goes up with more headcount, hours, and greater salaries.

A team of 20 with an average salary of $150K would, on average, waste almost $1.5M a year.

But it's not just the direct cost, it's the opportunity cost.People are hired not to extract value, but to create value.

What if instead of wasting $50, they were using that time to create $100 instead?

Money aside... people want to do work that matters, not just show up. Sadly, today, it seems we're doing more of the latter, with 85% of people globally not engaged at work, according to Gartner.

In this workshop, we'll teach your team how to reclaim hours lost so they can focus on doing what they were not only hired to do, but where they can derive the most joy from their work - by doing meaningful work, and creating meaningful value.
Work smarter. Not harder.

You've probably heard this before. Most people have.
But nobody ever told them what working smarter actually means, and more importantly, how to do it.

In this workshop, your team will learn:

The History of Work

For most of human history we were hunter-gatherers and farmers. Working behind a computer is a very recent phenomena.
Discover why this matters, and how it impacts the way you work today.

Productivity Pitfalls

Discovery the myriad traps that you and your team are falling into on a daily basis, not only wasting your time, but making you exhausted.

Time Management for Teams

It's not enough to optimize the way you work if you work in unproductive and bureaucratic teams that value looking busy, over being valuable. Discover how organizations sabotage their people, and what to do about it.

Brain Boosters

Discover the physiological and environmental changes you can make to get your cognition into sixth gear.

How to Beat Workplace Stress

Excessive workloads, a lack of control, and work-life conflicts are the three biggest contributors to workplace stress. Discover actionable steps to tackle these, decrease stress at your organization, and improve the wellbeing of your people.

What leading thinkers say
about Steve's work
Adam Grant
Steve Glaveski understands something that few leaders have figured out: it’s possible to do less and get more done. This offers a blueprint for working smarter.
New York Times best-selling author of Originals and Give and Take, and host of the chart-topping TED podcast WorkLife
Nir Eyal
Steve Glaveski offers countless ways to get more out of each day by being Time Rich.
Best-selling author of Hooked and Indistractable
Whitney Johnson
Glaveski offers both big ideas and specific techniques to contain or eliminate such time-snatching demons as meetings, email and social media
Award-winning author of Disrupt Yourself and Build an A-Team
What Participants Will Learn
1. History of Work
  • The history and evolution of work, the psychology of work, and the flow state
  • How human beings sabotage productivity (task switching, over-committing to things, residual work, procrastination, etc.)
  • Task switching
  • Meetings 101
  • How teams and organizations sabotage productivity (unnecessary or ineffective meetings, consensus-seeking, high delegations of authority, paralyzing policies and procedure, etc.)
2. Productivity Pills
  • Flow Triggers and Inhibitors
  • Prioritization and the Pareto Principle
  • Time-boxing
  • Calendar management
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) game-changers
  • Saying "no" diligently
  • Testing assumptions to avoid analysis paralysis or jumping to conclusions
  • Batching tasks
  • Parkinson's Law
3. Time Management for Teams
  • How to build a 'minimum viable bureaucracy' / minimum viable process
  • The value of asynchronous communication instead of real-time
  • Remote work
  • Type 1 v Type 2 decision making and delegations of authority
  • Short feedback loops
  • Employee autonomy
  • Clear goals and surrogate interim metrics
  • Kanban boards
  • Brook's Law
4. Brain Health
  • Physiological hacks (breathing, sleep, movement, nutrition, sunlight etc)e effect that this has on our mental and emotion
  • What creates stress in the workplace (excessive workload, lack of control/autonomy, toxic relationships and communication, lack of alignment between strengths/values and work, hyper-responsiveness/task switching and not much deep, fulfilling work, lack of work/life balance, lack of movement/light, Zoom fatigue, etc.)
  • How to overcome stress, burnout, and regulate emotions (movement, bonding, setting boundaries, nutrition, sleep, autonomy and control, mastery and learning, meditation, purpose, smartphone use, news diet, reframing, leadership) work
100 Productivity Hacks

Get your free eBook and start supercharging your productivity today.

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Paperback copy of Time Rich for all participants
Worth $400 for a class of 20 - yours FREE.

Get a copy of Steve Glaveski's time management and productivity deep dive, Time Rich, endorsed by the likes of Adam Grant, Nir Eyal and more.

365-day webinar access for  your team
Worth US$4,900 - yours FREE.

Some team members
couldn't make it?

Need a refresher?

Access my companion
webinar all year long.

Unlimited coaching via Slack or Teams
Worth $250 per hour - yours FREE.

8 Need help applying some of what you or your team has learned back in the office?

No problem.

Steve will personally answer questions and provide coaching via Slack or Teams.

What my clients say
"Steve delivers insights in a naturally engaging style, ensuring you are thinking differently and challenging your biases throughout the workshop. The productivity session I undertook with our Retail team, unlocked new ways to approach work effort and measure value delivered roles. The full day course received 100% satisfaction with all participants stating that it was time well spent."
- Jessica Pagano, National Operations Manager @ Charter Hall
"We were thrilled to have Steve Glaveski train our teams on productivity, he is an inspiring leader and the sessions have been eye-opening."
- Alexandra Brun, Global Head of Talent Development @ Stuart
"We were thrilled to have Steve Glaveski's How To Get Twice As Much Done In Half The Time talk as one of our SXSW professional development sessions. The way Steve reframes workplace productivity backed by science was particularly impactful because many of us have been dealing with the distractions of working from home over the last year. Steve's session was one of the highlights of SXSW and we hope to have him join us again."
- Michelle LoDuca, Organizer @ SXSW
Case Study 01

Stuart is Europe's leading on-demand logistics platform, boasting over 500 employees. It connects businesses to a fleet of geo-localized independent couriers.

Challenge Solution

Stuart is Europe's leading on-demand logistics platform, boasting over 500 employees. It conStuart approached me to help it optimize both individual and team productivity, and mental health, as the logistics company continues its rapid expansion across Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

I developed a four part webinar series for Stuart, leveraging the research I conducted when writing Time Rich as well as my own extensive trial and error in the space of optimizing my team's productivity over the previous seven years.nects businesses to a fleet of geo-localized independent couriers.


Participants were surveyed at the end of each session, and at the end of the series, and the webinar series received a 94% recommendation rating.

Participants - consisting of both managers and individual contributors - were able to apply practical insights immediately after each session to ramp up both their productivity and improve their physical and mental health as well.

Case Study 02

Charter Hall is one of Australia’s leading property groups, with a total managed property portfolio of over $22.5 billion. The group owns and manages over 300 commercial properties around Australia, including office buildings, retail centres, and industrial assets.

Challenge Solution

Charter Hall desired to make its people more productive so that they could not only create more valuable outcomes, but do so in less time, and without the need to invest in additional resources.

I developed a one day productivity session, based on my Harvard Business Review article 'The Case for the Six-Hour Workday'.

The session introduced participants to the many ways they are unwittingly sabotaging their productivity, in addition to a number of tools and techniques that could serve to increase their productivity by up to a factor of 5.


Participants became aware of the various ways they sabotage their productivity. Participants took back to not only their own work, but their colleagues and teams, different techniques and tools that they could apply immediately to realize a measurable increase in output, whilst also decreasing the stress that comes with losing control of one's workload.

Participants spoke incredibly highly of the session, evidenced in the testimonial provided above.

Giving a talk on time management in Melbourne, during the book tour for Time Rich.
Five time management myths
Myth 1 - If I just keep pushing, success will come.

Stop confusing motion with progress. How many hours have you lost by screen switching, slack checking, email replying, and social media stalking without anything productive produced at the end of it?

You get busy being busy and “busy” is a lousy proxy for productive. It usually means ‘out of control’.

And this shallow level process-oriented work doesn’t move the needle, but leaves you feeling absolutely exhausted with little time/energy for anything else come the end of the day.

Albert Einstein’s insanity quote is painfully overused but is unquestionably relevant here.You need a different approach otherwise you will continue to walk the long lonely path of overworked and underachievement.

Myth 2 - You need to sacrifice in order to win.

Do you need to dedicate time and effort to your business? Sure.

But if you buy into the notion that you need to sacrifice the best years of your life in order to grow your company, you’re selling yourself way short.

Submitting to the #hustle and #crushingit culture is a one-way ticket to burnout and bankruptcy my friend.

Success DOESN'T have to come at the expense of happiness.

When your business activities are properly prioritized, actioned, and automated you can dedicate a small but productive amount of time to focus on the deep work necessary to scale up in a sustainable way that doesn’t pull you away from the life you want to live.

Myth 3 - It is not about getting better at what you do.

Because what you actually need is a shift in the way you think.
It's as simple as adopting a new lens to view your entire business and life through...

Where things were once chaotic, confusing and blurry...

Suddenly it becomes obvious where you really need to invest your attention and energy (the big "levers").

And just as importantly, you recognize the things that seemed crucial... yet can be removed completely.

Myth 4 - If you want something done right, do it yourself.


If you adopt this approach then you’re always going to be limited by the hours available in a day and the mental bandwidth you have to complete energy-draining tasks.

Sure, you may have been burnt by an over-promising, under performing freelancer, or an unmotivated team member in the past but you can’t let these past experiences strip you of the ability to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

It’s the workflows and procedures you put in place that are the scaffolding that holds this entire business operation together and allows it to operate like a well-oiled machine with as little man-management from yourself as possible.

You just need to understand what these are and implement them successfully.

Myth 5 - It's not worth outsourcing this.

If you’re passionate about growing your business and have plans to make a bigger impact while maintaining your sanity, you can’t afford NOT to have a team supporting your every move.

A high-performing team isn’t something you invest in once you’re “big enough”.It’s HOW you get to that point in the first place.

Get the first chapter of my
book, Time Rich, for
FREE below.

Get your free eBook and start supercharging your productivity today.

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More love from my clients

"I got a lot out of Steve's course. As someone who is inclined to seek distraction during my working day, Time Rich helped me focus my attention on value-creating tasks, prolong my flow state and optimize parts of the day when I'm most productive. This has enabled me to reclaim on average 2-3 hours of my day which I spend outdoors, at the beach, and with my kids. Thanks, Steve, carpe diem!"

- Dan Nikolin, Tennis Australia

"Steve's course was insanely practical. There's a tonne of productivity and entrepreneurship courses out at the moment, it's a bit hard to identify the signal from the noise, but this one definitely cut through because of how granular and comprehensive it was.

If you're looking for a complete A-Z walkthrough of building/running a LIFESTYLE in the modern age this is an absolute must.

Thanks for the amazing contribution of knowledge and experience Steve

- James Nguyen, Deciphr AI

"Steve knows how to create TIME in his life. He walks the walk. I have implemented a lot of these strategies and noticed a huge increase in my own focus and productivity (which was already very high)."

- Lucas Aoun, founder of Boost Your Biology

Cutting edge insights
I've not only practiced this topic in depth while building my businesses, but I've spoken with and learned from some of the world's deepest thinkers on my podcast Future Squared (430+ episodes, 1 million+ downloads).

As a result, your team will get the very best insights on working smarter.
James Clear
Bestselling author of Atomic Habits
Scott Young
Bestselling author of Ultralearning
Nir Eyal
Bestselling author of Indistractable
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Podcast appearances
I don't just teach this...
I live it.

There are other time management courses on the market, but most are run by dated, boring management societies, and facilitated by folks that have learned how to read and regurgitate from a tired curriculum.

But real insight comes from application and experience.

I've run literally thousands of experiments, studied and applied numerous time management and productivity techniques in my businesses for the past decade.
I've learned what works and what doesn't.

Doing so has empowered me to achieve the following in that time:
* launch one seven figure business, and three six figure
* businesses
* write five books
* produce 600+ podcast episodes
* write 500+ blog posts
* speak on stages all over the world
* and actually have a life - surf, gym, yoga, travel, perform standup comedy, read great books, and more.

What happens if your team doesn't take this workshop?
Workplace stress is on the rise around the world.

The culprit? A lack of control, excessive workloads, and work-life balance conflicts.

You might think you and your team don't have time for a workshop on time management, but that's akin to saying you don't have time to take care of your health - it will cost you and the organization a lot more in the long-run.

The best talent in the world won't make a difference if they're burdened by procedure, are constantly distracted, spend too much time in wasteful meetings, and don't quite know how to do their best work.


When people turn up in their physical form only, but leave their mind in bed, that's a sure sign of burnout - and working long hours, for little to no reward, drives people to this dangerous precipice.

Employee turnover

It's not just the cost of wasted time that hurts, but as your people become tired, burnt out, and disenfranchised, they will leave, the cost of which can be upwards of $20,000 per employee, and incredibly disruptive

Inquire Now
Schedule your free consultation.
Find out if this is right for your organization or your team with a quick
zero-obligation phone call.
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Who this workshop is for

Corporate and startup teams who are constantly chasing small dopamine hits by switching screens between email, Slack/Teams, social media, and their phone, and as such, find it difficult to sit and focus on the high-value activities.


Corporate and startup teams who are losing confidence in their ability to actually get things done… and then lowering what they expect of themselves as a result.


Corporate and startup teams who are sick of looking back on the last quarter (or longer) and realizing they haven’t actually made any worthwhile progress…


Corporate and startup teams whole lives have become their work and they use work as a socially validated distraction away from the problems or holes in their life.


Corporate and startup teams who after pumping out continuous 12-hour workdays finally crack under the pressure and escape by going AWOL, taking unplanned "mental health days" off just to deal with the burnout and distract them from the overwhelm of all the work they need to complete…

I've taught this all over the world
More content for your business means more blog posts, product descriptions, social ads, and whatever your brand needs to sell more and scale fast. Consistent and quality content is a roadblock for a lot of businesses online, but with a North Star content plan, it won’t be a blocker for your growth.
Startup Grind APAC Conference- Melbourne, Australia
Innov8rs Summit- Sydney, Australia
Ayala Spark- Manila, Philippines
IO Summit- Nebraska, USA
We’re so passionate about helping create a business and life you love we want to make it easy as humanly possible for you to give a confident “yes”.

Enter our guarantee.Take 30 days to devour the entire program - and see why this is the best $199 you’ll invest in yourself all year.
(Though I'm certain you'll see big results even a couple of days from now.)

If after utilising our productivity hacks, implementing our frameworks for building high-performance companies, you still don’t feel like you have the insight, clarity, or powerful action steps needed to 10x your investment while shaving off at least 20 high-stressed hours per week...

Simply email the team at and we’ll hit “undo” on this whole “let’s scale your company while liberating your time so you can enjoy life” experiment.

This means the only risk here is choosing to remain where you're currently at.
Ready to transform
how your team works?
Schedule a short call below.
Book a Call
Here’s A Sneak Peek Of What You
Will Learn Inside
  • The easy to implement productivity hacks for moving the needle on your big, audacious goals (without having to “hustle, grind and sacrifice”).
  • How to easily automate and outsource rudimentary processes without sacrificing momentum or forward progress, freeing up time for you to focus on your health, relationships, and passion projects.
  • The two biggest productivity killers you need to avoid if you want to beat procrastination and achieve twice as much in half the time. (this is vital for your ability to produce).
  • Discover how high performers are able to activate “flow state” on-demand, so you can supercharge your productivity and bring your goals into existence in a radically short time-frame.
  • ​Why letting go of certain tasks is critical for your own freedom and how to transition away from process-oriented ‘insecurity work’ that doesn’t really move the needle, so you can focus on high-impact revenue-generating activities.
  • ​Become immediately aware of the critical mistakes most peoplemake that sabotages their productivity and how to eliminate them instantly so you can move forward and maintain momentum.
  • ​Learn the physiological hacks around sleep, nutrition, and movement so you can grow into the person you want to be, and wake up energized every day to tackle your goals head-on.
  • How to build high-performance companies and teams so you can realize your vision faster, reach more people, and create a huge impact with the product and services you sell.
  • ​How to prioritize your work effectively and free yourself of analysis paralysis so you can pursue the most alluring and profitable ways to leverage your newly available resources (time, money, energy, expertise).
You're ready for this workshop if...

You’re passionate about creating a huge impact.


You worry that your team is not generating the kind of returns you hoped for and worse, is stressed out.


You know there must be a smarter way in which you can operate that not only allows you to grow your company faster but relieves the pressure that’s currently consuming you and your team so you can start enjoying the fruits of your labor.


You’ve had at least two moments this month where you’ve had to put out a major fire or solve a team crisis.


Over the past few weeks you’ve been deprived of time so much to the extent that you’ve had to eat take-out every day or skip meals just to fit all the work in.


You're ready to say NO to the expensive short term solutions and say YES to addressing this at the root cause. Understanding that workplace stress is caused by the way we work.


Over the past few weeks you’ve been deprived of time so much to the extent that you’ve had to eat take-out every day or skip meals just to fit all the work in.


You’re ready to take action.

As long as you’re committed to implementing what you learn, you’ll see the visible momentum, tangible ROI, and “why didn’t I do this sooner” excitement as you have more free time for your health, relationships, and hobbies.
If you checked off at least 4 of 10 items above, you owe it to yourself, your team, and your clients to give this a go.

Find out if this is right for
your team.
Schedule a 15-minute call below.
Book a Call
I've got A's for your Q's
How much does it cost?

It depends on the size of your group and the level of customization required.

Request a quote below and we'll get back to you within 24 hours.

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How do I know it's for me or
my team?


Do you find yourself often being "busy" but with little to show for it other than exhaustion and burnout?
Then this is for you.

It makes no difference whether you're a large listed organization, a venture-backed tech startup, or a public sector body.

Is this workshop for individuals or teams?

It is for teams only.

If you are an individual who needs coaching on managing your time, feel free to email me here.  

Alternatively, find my online course for individuals on Udemy here.

When & where can the
workshop take place?

That's mostly up to you and your team's availability.

As for where, I run workshops all over Australia, and can also travel internationally to give talks and facilitate workshops.

How does the guarantee work?

Not happy with the workshop?Let me know, and I'll refund the full amount in 30 days.

That's how confident I am that your team will get value out of this workshop.

What's the bonus webinar all about?

This is a "mini" pre-recorded workshop, and can be used by members of your team who missed the workshop, and or participants who want a refresher.

However, it's by no means a substitute for the deep dive day-long, interactive workshop I run.