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Customer Experience Champions Training

Optimizing The Community Experience

Customer Experience Champions Training

Our CX Champions workshop was fantastic. We had a diverse team of representatives from across the organisation including outdoor workforce, customer support, administrative staff, neighbourhood centres and others. The content and facilitation were pitched at the right level, with simple and easy-to-understand customer personas and customer journey maps helping participants to both understand fundamental concepts underpinning customer experience design and give them the confidence to apply it to their work. Highly recommend to other local councils on the CX journey.

Claire Bircumshaw
Change Manager, City of Marion


Customer Experience Champions Training

The City of Marion is a local government area in part of the southern and western suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia. Located on Kaurna land, the city's area is one of the largest reaching in South Australia, with it spread from the foothills to the coast.


City of Marion approached us to develop a tailored customer experience training session for 24 new CX Champions it had appointed from across the organisation.

The purpose of the program was to provide them with not only a foundational overview of all things CX, but how to effectively 'champion' these changes in Government.


We designed a one-day workshop which covered the following topics.

Why is Customer Experience Important and Why Does it Matter for Councils?

Understanding the critical role of Customer Experience in today’s digital and connected world is essential. Learn why prioritizing CX is not just a trend but a necessity for councils to build trust, improve community engagement, and achieve better service delivery.

Case Studies of Leading Customer Experience

Get inspired by real-world examples of councils and organizations that have successfully implemented leading CX strategies.

These case studies will provide actionable insights and demonstrate the tangible benefits of a customer-centric approach.

Who Are Your Customers?

Identifying and understanding your customers is the first step toward delivering exceptional experiences.

We'll delve into techniques to accurately pinpoint who your customers are and their unique needs and expectations.

What is a Persona and How to Build Them

Personas are powerful tools that help you empathize with and design for your customers.

Learn the process of creating detailed personas to represent different segments of your customer base, ensuring your services meet their specific needs.

Overview of Customer Journey Maps and How to Build Them

Discover the importance of customer journey maps in visualizing the end-to-end experience of your customers.

We’ll guide you through the process of creating these maps, highlighting critical touchpoints and areas for improvement.

Develop a Key Customer Journey Map

Put theory into practice by developing a comprehensive customer journey map for a key service area within your council.

This hands-on exercise will help you uncover opportunities for enhancement and streamline customer interactions.

Overview of How to Prioritize Opportunities Identified from Customer Journey Maps

Once opportunities are identified, the challenge is prioritizing them effectively.

Learn methods to assess and rank these opportunities based on impact and feasibility, ensuring you focus on initiatives that deliver the greatest value.

How Attendees Can Embed a Customer Focus in Their Teams and Roles

Sustaining a customer-centric culture requires ongoing effort and commitment.

We will share strategies and best practices to embed a customer focus within your teams and roles, fostering a continuous improvement mindset.


City of Marion were thrilled with the outcome, with nominated CX champions walking out of the room with the requisite skills to tackle the customer experience challenges in their community ahead.
